We supply, design, install and commission Computer Room Fire Suppression Systems all over the UK.


Dry Sprinkler Powder Aerosol (DSPA) is a revolutionary fire extinguishing technology that is perfect for computer room fire suppression systems:

  • is activated electronically, thermally or manually
  • is non-corrosive and non-conductive
  • functions in a large temperature range
  • is not stored under pressure
  • requires no water
  • keeps oxygen levels intact
  • is harmless to humans and animals
  • is environmentally friendly.

A typical computer room fire suppression systems installation would utilise a standard fire suppression detection / release control panel approved to EN 12094-1.
This would utilise two or more optical smoke detection zones. Double Knock activation would be used. Manual release button would be fitted and there may be remote release and activation points depending on the size of the installation.
A beacon and klaxon would be fitted to give warning that the system is about to discharge after the pre determined delay period.
The DSPA computer room fire suppression systems units which would be mounted at high level typically on the ceiling, would be activated automatically and would discharge to suppress the fire.

DSPA has been installed in a wide range of premises where alternative computer room fire suppression systems are just not practical or are price prohibitive.
DSPA is an aerosol gas which, like Halon, acts volumetrically to reach those places that are difficult to access.
It requires no pipe work or pressure, so it is easily fitted retrospectively with little or no disruption.
Importantly, the small amount of residue following activation can be easily cleaned away, either by cloth or vacuum. DSPA substantially reduces property damage caused, not by the fire itself, but by alternative extinguishing methods.

Why use DSPA as a solution for computer room fire suppression systems?

  • More effective than Halon fire suppression systems
  • Cost effective
  • Non-toxic, non-corrosive
  • Certified
  • No pressurised storage
  • No leaks, no refills
  • Safe to transport and install
  • Suitable for hard-to-reach areas
  • No mechanical moving parts
  • High reliability
  • Minimum maintenance
  • Stand-alone or integrated systems
  • No pipe work nor nozzles, manifolds or distribution hardware
  • Easily installed, can be retro-fitted
  • Discrete
  • Will work with most fire alarm systems

As well as being non-conductive and non-corrosive, DSPA computer room fire suppression systems require no pipe work or pressure; this allows for the minimum of disruption and downtime when installing. Such flexibility means that the units can be located at the points where the electronic circuitries are most vulnerable to fire. DSPA will extinguish a fire in seconds and is rapidly becoming the preferred choice of fire extinguishing solution for server rooms and IT installations.

Many organisations have benefited from the installation of DSPA computer room fire suppression systems.

Please call us for your no obligation advice and quotation. Call us on 01702 384038 or email us sales@firesuppressionsouthern.co.uk

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General Email Addresses:

Sales Enquiries: sales [at] firesuppressionsouthern [.] co [.] uk

Full Postal Address:

Fire Suppression Southern Ltd
Unit D4 Seedbed Business Centre
Vanguard Way
Essex. SS3 9QY

Telephone: 01702 384038
Facsimile: 01702 382340