
The automatic restaurant fire suppression system is a pre-engineered, wet chemical, self contained, stored pressure system with a fixed nozzle agent distribution network. We offer a number of solutions depending on your requirements and specifications.

Automatic restaurant fire suppression systems are designed to protect the following cooking equipment

• Kitchen restaurant extraction ventilation equipment including cooking hood or canopy.
• Extraction ducts, canopy plenums, and canopy filters.
• Griddles, fryers and ranges.
• Wood fired or gas barbecues, wok cookers, radiant char-broilers.
• Most types of gas and electric fired cooking equipment.


This type of fire suppression system is designed for use in restaurants, mobile kitchens, fast food outlets, nursing homes, hospitals, hotels, airports, schools, care homes or any cooking facility.

This system is the ideal way of protecting your valuable staff and restaurant premises against restaurant fires.

It also reduces fire and water damage to premises which can be extremely costly and time consuming to repair causing great loss of trade and customer goodwill.

The restaurant fire suppression system is fully automatic with a manual discharge handle and does not affect the day to day operation of the kitchen in any way.

If a fire does occur it is very easy to clean up the fire suppression system liquid after discharge and you will be back in business faster and with very little damage and cleaning costs.

The system provides fully automatic detection and actuation and also provides remote manual actuation if required. The system is usually connected to the house fire alarm for remote indication and also automatically cuts off gas and electrical supplies to cooking equipment to prevent re-ignition.

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Telephone: +44 (0) 1702 – 384038
Facsimile: +44 (0) 1702 – 382340

Sales Enquiries: sales [at] firesuppressionsouthern [.] co [.] uk